Mwah ha ha haaaa!

Cool shit that I own

Pretty self explanatory.  This is all about cool shit that I own.

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That's right.  Warlock now has an evil twin... I mean... more evil twin.  WIth their powers combined the environment doesn't stand a chance.  Even with Captain Planet's assistance.




Below we have what remains of my bicycle.  You should see what happens when he transforms.

Mwah ha haaaa!!!


Here is my porntastic beard.  Hair colors that I have found within the beard include; at least three hundred shades of red, a few shades of brown, blonde once or twice, white/gray, black and a milky clear color that kinda ruled.

Like the Doublemint twins but hotter and deadlier

That creature to the left may seem docile and friendly but that is in fact one of the most deadly beings on the planet.  Long ago he stopped being a pet and ascended to the title of minion.  He likes the same beer as me, can kill squirrels without the benefit of claws and even strategically bit someone for me at a very appropriate time.  Other fun notes include: he could jump onto my shoulder if he so chose and he likes to clean my hair.   

With eyes of blue and fur of snow he is less a cat and more an extension of my ninja self.


Yep.  That's a candy dish.  It's also a skull.  A real human skull.  Legend (and by legend I mean "fact") has it that this came from a certain suite mate that worked at a certain special materials department at a certain library at a certain college that I certainly attended and occasionally ate Certs (with AND without retsin).  Why do I not feel bad about using someone's skull as a candy dish?  Because I would feel honored if someone uses my skull for something cool/useful when I die (at age 25).  I'm hoping someone makes my bones into guitar parts.  Wish me luck.

Take that Godzilla

After a fierce battle that raged for millenia; Batsy, Warlock, 101, Shiro and myself defeated a team of crazed movie monsters.  While many died, (Freddy, the shark from Jaws and the guy who killed Bambi's moms to name a few) we were able to enslave Mothra for our own ends.  You know....evil.