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Page o' Wisdom

Only thing better than a bit o' wisdom is a bit o' wisdom slathered with catsup.

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"Don't eat out a crack whore"-Nate

an old guy gave me some advise, marry one thats gonna make a lot of money so you can go tractor pullin or wrestlin all the time-Kevin

its not how drunk you are... its how drunk you're not-Shawn Stewart

"Violence doesn't solve anything. Except conflict"- Strangers With Candy

Avoid the Noid!

Remember children, the world is full of happiness, other people hog it find them, kick their ass and take it.

Stephen Colbert: I think the best possible way to show Iran that nuclear weapons are not what they want is to give them one

Cruise control is God's gift to drunk drivers.

Job fairs lack Ferris Wheels.

When I was little all I wished for was to be grown up. Now that I'm all grown up I wish I was dead.

Don't piss off Batsy.

The only difference between bravery and cowardice is the direction you step when you're afraid.