Mwah ha ha haaaa!
Jeff's Fantabulous Dictionary

Normal English sucks so I feel it is my duty to improve it.
Add my words to your vocabulary and not only will it impress that special someone you've had your eye on it'll make your teeth whiter, your foot odor less funky and humanely trap and release rodents that make their way into your home.

Promoting badder english since 2001!

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saucesome (saw sum)-adj.  describes a particularly good condiment

trifuckta: (try-fuk-tuh) n. 1. getting screwed three times 2. triple strength getting screwed

imversation: (eye-em-ver-say-shun) n.  conversation on IM....pretty simple people

fantabulous: (fan-ta-bu-lus), adj. the quality of being fantabulous

The End: (the end), v.command given to end a discussion, i.e. Bill: "Bob you smell like..."
Bob:"The End."
Synonomous with "shut the fuck up"

ain't:(aynt),? it is so a word!

supercalifragilisticexpialadocious:(you figure it out),? I don't know what it means but you should be impressed that I can spell it

unvincible: (un-vinss-a-bull), adj. this means the same thing as invincible but english teachers get pretty pissed off if you just keep saying this instead

hell: ("h", "e", double hockeysticks), adj. used to describe a member of the opposite sex that is indescribably attractive, short for "The things I would do with that person would surely cause my descent into hell upon my death"

clingable: (kling-a-bull) adj. the quality of being able to be clung to easily.  Most commonly used to describe a person who comforts others during scary movies (Like me. I am very clingable ladies.)

ttribute: (teh-trib-yoot) n. what you pay to Batsy while kneeling before his might

Kool AIDS (kewl acquired imuuno-deficiency syndrome)-n. AIDS but for cool kids

drinkamajig: (drink-uh-ma-jig) n. a small plastic tube which aids in the drinking of liquids from vessels. synonyms: quencheramma, tubemebob

mentholicious: (men-tho-lish-us) adj. describes something that is pleasant in taste, not unlike a cough drop (the medicine) and exactly like a Cough Drop (the drink)

upgrape: (Faygo) v. to move on up, for instance into a deeluxe apartment in the sky.  Usually applies to soda initiatives

imgument: (eye-em-gyoo-ment) n. IM argument....also pretty simple

elefantastic: (l-a-fan-tas-tick), adj. used to describe something that is large in size while simultaneously saying it kicks more ass than most stuff

Raaaahhh!!!: (Raaaahhh!!!), ?.exclamation of supreme anger or intent to harm, ex. "I'm gonna kill you Larry ....... RAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!"

cockslam: (kok-slam)noun, used to describe a practitioner of cockslamming.  Insult or compliment depending on who you're talking to and the type of slamming involved

amazering: (uh-maize-r-ng) adj. apparently I thought amazing needed another syllable added to it.  This was one of Sunshine's favorites

facial: (fey-shul) vs. word stolen from the movie "Dodge Ball" that refers to a particularly good insult

reversal: (re-verse-al) n. a counter to an insult or joke, usually performed with good timing

revercial: (re-ver-shul) n. reversal that takes things to new levels son.  A counter to an insult that may elicit an "AW NO YOU DINT" from nearby people

bandito: (ban-dee-toe) v. to pilfer, typically with snacks such as a certain honey BBQ twist crunchy goodness item

prevenge: (867-5309) n. the act of getting even with someone before they wrong you (see: my license plate)

downstealable: (down-steel-a-bull) adj. used to describe an item on the internet that is readily able to be stolen (like my music on the site....go ahead, steal it)

Assmonkey: (ass-mun-kee), n.used to insult, similar to asshole except the word monkey is a lot funnier, see: Gweedo's profile on the PLW page.

exarctly: (x-arc-t-lee),adv. turn ons include moonlit walks on the beach and mustard, turn offs? mustard and sunlit walks anywhere

violentist: (vy-o-lynn-tist),adj. do we really need to say two words to get our point across Webster's? I mean come on, most violent is sooo lame

figuroids: (fig-your-oids) n. little figures, similar to factoids