Mwah ha ha haaaa!

Old timey 6 O' Clock news

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    You decide to take the lazy way to get information.  Good for you.  Ambition is for suckers.  As you walk along gloating about how ambition is for suckers and that's not you, you trip on a rock in the road.  After checking to make sure no one saw you fall on your face (everyone did.....and they are laughing uncontrollably at you) you pick up the rock thinking to yourself "this might be useful.  If I can't use it on page 26 to fight that dragon then at least I'll be able to huck it at one of these assholes who laughed at me.  That'll show 'em."

    You make it back to your peasant hut without further incident.  Although the memory of everyone laughing will haunt you until your dying day (which might happen on page 26.....I'll eventually drop this joke....but not just yet).  You make yourself a hearty snack of Cheetoh's brand cheese puffs and everyone's favorite primary care provider Dr Pepper and sit down to watch ye olde news.

    Something about a bus crash comes on.  While this is terrible it's not quite town wide plight like you suspect must be happening since you are in a Jeffventure.  The anchorman begins bantering with his perky yet not too bright looking co-anchor.  You feel this is a good time to crunch loudly on Cheetoh's.  You're right, perfect timing.

    As you continue to crunch the crunchiest cheeze snack invented they cut to their first commercial break.  You think to yourself "Paying $9.95 for a two disc '80's collection does not sound like town wide plight.  I will continue crunching."  When yon news returns you see the local weather prophet come on.  He tells you that the sunflakes will continue into the end of the story with intermittent snowbeams shining through.  If not that then definitely some sort of weather.  Definitely.  Maybe.

    Time for sports.  It seems the Castile Scalawags are still undefeated in seventeen major sports, including tetherball but not including soccer.  "Good for them" you think. 

    Suddenly a "Breaking Story" breaks. 

    "This just in" says the anchorman.  "Town wide plight is happening.  The kind you'd find in a choose your Jeffventure type story even.  El Brujo is on the loose.  Yes....El Brujo.  The sorcerous skull that was spawned after some guy made out with a troll that had troll plague during the great troll plague of '88.  Then the troll plague turned into feline leukemia which festered until it became the unstoppable evil known as EL BRUJO."

    "El Brujo has been sighted doing unspeakable acts of evil of which I will now speak rather comfortably about.  It seems his evil magic prevents super glue from sticking to anything BUT your fingers.  In addition he refused to L'Eggo my Eggo.  Perhaps worst of all, he goes around town in his beat up wagon blaring that damn rap music at all hours of the night.  Truly a horrible monster."

    "El Brujo is known to be hiding in the ever crisp Castile mountain range.  It is believed that he can maybe be stopped with a sword perhaps.  Finally, you're gonna need supplies.  Gonna take at least an hour or two to fix this kinda plight.  Maybe go to a bank or something to get money for plight stopping, assuming that's your kinda thing."

    You leap out of your seat in astonishment and fear.  Your iron will focuses on this single task......GET MORE CHEETOH'S.  You just finished your last bag.  Might as well see what this El Brujp thing is all about too you suppose.  Time to get all supplied up.

-To go to the bank to get money for supplies choose option 1

-To go directly to market and use your debit card to purchase supplies choose option 2

option 1

option 2
